On getting (and turning down!) Gossip Girl: “When I was first offered the part, I respectfully declined! I had done a few other teen shows on the same network and was looking for something new, so I said it wasn’t for me. A few months later, [producer Stephanie Savage] came back and urged me to take another look at the script.”
On his most valued possession: “Definitely my turntables and my record collection.”
On how he deals with the craziness of shooting Gossip Girl: “This might sound jaded, but you adapt to it pretty quickly…It’s not something I think about so much anymore. With modern celebrity and the way the media is so hypersensitive these days, you can’t afford to think about it all the time.”
On dating Blake Lively in the spotlight: “Doing what we’re doing, it can be a potentially dangerous thing, but we have something that was worth the risk and have a great trust and passion for each other.”
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